Cruciate disease is such a common disease seen in our small animals and Dr Luke is proficient at performing TPLO to provide the best outcomes for your patients.
Whether it is young brachycephalic patients requiring alarplasty and staphylectomy, or large lump removals requiring reconstructive surgery, Dr Luke can help.
Hip dysplasia can lead to debilitating osteoarthritis, so why not detect it as young as 16 weeks old so we can help provide the best possible life for your patients.
Please submit your details at the bottom of this page and a fee schedule for routine procedures will be forwarded to your clinic.
Dr Luke Frichot graduated from Murdoch University in 2018 with a BSc BVMS and has always had an interest in small animal surgery. After 4 years in general practice performing a wide variety of orthopaedic and soft tissue surgeries, Dr Luke decided to make the transition to offering a mobile surgical service for clinics in Perth and surrounding regions. The main goal for MoveSx and Dr Luke is to allow veterinary staff to maintain that strong client connection whilst being able to provide advanced orthopaedic and soft tissue surgery at your clinic.
Dr Luke has been performing orthopaedic and advanced soft tissue surgery since 2019 after attending the AOVET fracture management course and TPLO masterclass. Dr Luke attained his membership in the ANZCVS Small Animal Surgery chapter in 2023.
Dealing with complex surgical cases can be difficult. Working with an approachable surgeon is vital to ensuring effective communication. At all times, Dr. Luke maintains friendly and open communication with colleagues and strives to provide the best possible care.
Please send us a message to become a part of the Move Sx network or to schedule a surgery appointment.
This service is to be contacted by veterinary clinics directly to book surgical appointments.